Legacy Fund Initiative
The Flight 93 National Memorial Legacy Fund was established with the singular intention of assuring that The Sacred Ground, Wall of Names and Tower of Voices, all key elements of the Flight 93 National Memorial design, will forever be maintained in a manner befitting the memory of the Heroes of Flight 93. These design elements speak to the world of not only who our Heroes were, but tell the story of their selfless actions taken the morning of September 11, 2001.
All funds received into The Flight 93 National Memorial Legacy Fund will be restricted for the purpose of maintaining these three key elements of the Memorial design. The Legacy Fund will be managed by the Friends of Flight 93; the non-for-profit organization designated to work hand in hand with the National Park Service and committed to preserving the legacy of the Heroes of Flight 93.
If you prefer to send a check you may mail it to: Friends of Flight 93, PO Box 911, Shanksville, PA 15560 with the memo: Legacy Fund Initiative.